Anime and Manga Introduction
Welcome to my website! This site is about anime. Did you know that anime is a Japanese animation that uses bright and vivid colors, mostly meant to be seen by teenagers and adults? Some anime is also meant to be seen by people of all ages. Now let's not forget about manga, too! Manga is read from right to left, opposite of an American book. ( Yes, manga is Japanese! ) Most of the time, there's a manga series of a story first, then an anime series. A lot of people like manga and anime. I hope that after you've seen my website, you'll also like manga and anime! Check back on my website because during the summer, I'll update it every week! During the school year, I'll update it every two weeks. Enjoy my website!
---Website Creator Dylan
---Website Creator Dylan
Here's a link to my game website (WORK IN PROGRESS) since I took the games off this site.
I updated/redid my site- check out the latest design!!!